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  1. Hi can you check this makuhita pls
  2. Hello i wanna buy deep sea tooth tell me your price :)
  3. Hello can you estimate the price of this please ?
  4. Hey how much can i get from this Haunter ?
  5. Your discord tag: Razorx#5166 Are you an active player?: Sure What is your goal in PRO?: Nothing special i wanna catch them all lol and i like the game so i think its the best reason Are you of the age 16 years or up?: Yes 26 Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: Sure Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild? I mostly playing team games or mmo's. If i can help someone i do it because it's a part of the game and of a guild. Have you thoroughly read the first post?: Yes What server did you make your first account on?: Silver
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