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Posts posted by Dunkey

  1. Hey guys, I am doing another giveaway, since the last one went so well.

    Arepip won the Gaming Mouse from before, now I am giving away the following headset valued at around $210 USD.


    This time it will be a 7.1 Gaming Headset (STRIX 7.1) from Asus.



    You can check more details on the Headset here.



    To enter it is rather easy, just like my last give away, you just need to do the following!

    1. Be sure you have over 5 Hours Gameplay time.

    2. Be in a country where I in Australia can send it to you in the mail (for example, I can not post to North Korea)

    3. Tell me your Favourite Pokemong andddddd why this headset should be yours in a post on this thread.

    4. Do not double post (Even with Alt Accounts), I will check .


    This will be drawn on my live twitch stream (

    ) around the 14th of September. Details to watch that will be provided closer to the date.

    Good luck everyone!

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