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Everything posted by Presenium

  1. hey im just a fairly new player on the blue server (16 badges) just looking for people to hang out with people be pretty awesome
  2. 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? Presenium 2.What can you offer to our guild? I am just a nice person looking to have fun and play with a bunch of people (still fairly new though) 3.Relate your characteristic to a pokemon nature :3 Modest 4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? Have it 5.What is your fav poke and why do you like it? My favorite pokemon would be Mewtwo always has Every since i seen the first movie and mewtwo returns He is just such a strong pokemon and i feel i can relate to him a bit 6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? Yes i can
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