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Everything posted by Brawl

  1. Thx for every participants and haruyukio for informations.Auction finished
  2. Thanks for everybody oblivion win the auction my game name is brawl you can add me
  3. s.o 2m min bid 200k insta 7m end in 72 hours after s.o accept cc 400k rr 650k rc 7k
  4. Bump
  5. auction finished ty everybody marcot11 won
  6. up last 50min
  7. up last 9 hour
  8. s.o. 400k min bid 50k insta 3m accept cc 370k rr tickets 720k r.c 7k auction start with first offer
  9. .
  10. auction finished celectic won ty
  11. S.o. - 200k Min bid - 50k Insta 1m 24 hours auction Accept CC - 380k, IV RR - 720k, Nature RR - 350k
  12. Araragikun won auction.Thanks for all offers.
  13. s.o 50k min raise 20k 24 hours auctions after first offer insta 1m Accept cc : 400k
  14. natshunter win but ı didnt ve screen shot of the trade.İ ll be more careful at other auctions.Sorry for this time
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