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Everything posted by Smaule

  1. Re: Aarathen's Mart (24 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (3 New 100's April 28th)) <t>hi sir, 1m for breloom? :)</t>
  2. insta buy on eevee :) 2m
  3. Re: S&R Shop (EPIC NEW POKES) <t>i sent u a private message on forum :)</t>
  4. Re: S&R Shop (EPIC NEW POKES) <t>no limit time, and we'll start auctions if we find a good offer (if not we just keep them for us), for the hotmons we are sorry but these are low. we received a private offer of 3.5m for dragonite yet (and razionale is not sure about selling it because he is thinking about a pvp team with dragonite), so..btw we are gonna update the shop really soon (when we come back home, i think it will be ready before tomorrow) with lots of news, like other multiscale dragonites, shinies and more! be patient, just let us train pokemons and update this still new shop. (:</t>
  5. wtb insta bronzong
  6. Re: S&R Shop (EPIC NEW POKES) <t>[align=center]bumpbumpbump![/align]</t>
  7. Re: S&R Shop (EPIC NEW POKES) <r><SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s>Added new pokes!<e></e></B><e></e></SIZE></r>
  8. Re: S&R Shop (EPIC NEW POKES) <r><SIZE size="150"><s></s><B><s></s>New pokes! :)<e></e></B><e></e></SIZE></r>
  9. Re: PokemonFr community's shop [HOT TALONFLAME GALEWINGS ] <r>Hi! i'll buy the scizor for instabuy 900k :)<br/> <br/> <br/> [align=center]<B><s></s>Visit My Shop :D<e></e></B>[/align]<URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=23766"><s></s><B><s></s><SIZE size="200"><s></s>[align=center]S&R Shop[/align]<e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><e></e></URL></r>
  10. 1. Do not ask for price when it is written. 2. No fake offers; offers that we consider too low will just be ignored. 3. We accept MS or Coins (100 coins = 150k). 4. We have the rights to deny your offer and withdraw my bidding. 5. We will start the bidding when we find a good offer. 6. When u type an offer u cannot retire it then. 7. We reserve the right to create our own values on our Pokemon. 8. If there is no insta price, do not ask for it. 9. /friend "Radiatore2" and /friend "Bspan0" to contact us! 10. Be polite.
  11. Hi i'd like to insta buy it for 1.7m :) Smaule is my ingame name
  12. Hi, I'm looking for an epic ferroseed or ferrothorn, relaxed nature. Pls contact me in the game, /friend Smaule. :)
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