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About Jazmin

  • Birthday 02/28/1996

Jazmin's Achievements



  1. I was sooooo lost and this saved me, thanks! I got a horsea and tm23 :D
  2. Hello, welcome to PRO! Ive seen you in game a few times I think... :)
  3. Thanks! Almost in every forum people say that Im fake :/ I still dont know why... I suppose that its because Im a girl? Idk Thank you <3 You are beautiful! You have nothing to envy
  4. 19
  5. Hellooo, my name is Jazmin, but my friends call me Jaz. Im 19 years old and Im from Argentina. Ive been a pokemon fan since I was 3 years old, because my mother bought me a book with the first 151 pokemon before the tv show was released in my country haha. I have plushies, cards, toys, photos, drawings, games, and lots of things about pokemon. I heard about PRO when i was playing another online game, and well, here I am. For the people who plans to reply saying that im fake or something like that, please dont. Im not, and im not an attw either. See you in game! :D
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