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Everything posted by Kemari

  1. 300k chingling
  2. Hi , sorry Ive been afk , yeah sure lemme know when you can online so we can make a trade. Add me to the discord for contact Kemari#5374 If I am not online in PRO, just send me a message on discord
  3. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <r>NIckname: Kemari / Country: Brazil <br/> Good luck to all <E>:Heart:</E> \o/<br/> <IMG src="https://puu.sh/vcS70/de51361e1c.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  4. The hat i were saying would not be of that type exemplo :
  5. Pikachu clothes Pikachu ears/cap (equal the Politoed hat ,Magikarp hat...) Fennekin Hat (equal the bulbasaur, squirtle, charmande...) :Heart:
  6. Cubchoo/Beartic, Marill, Pancham and Togepi *----* :Heart: Would it be too cool to put the Christmas Sentret again, am I asking too much?
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