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Everything posted by Andresito2

  1. ingame name: andresito2 i would like to have this badass mouse because i never had a gamming mouse before and i dont think ill have one in the near future due they are expensive here in my country :P so it will be awesome to win this one :)
  2. yes but i dont really now how to get a copy of the client :P i pmd him
  3. Hi, as per the Game Guide subforum rules: 1. Do not create a guide that is asking a question. As such, I've moved your topic to the proper forum. To log in on two accounts at once, you'll need to have two copies of the game client on your computer and have them both open. Then you can log into your two accounts on the two clients. You are allowed to do this as long as you aren't breaking any game rules while playing - I'd suggest reading through them here. yeah i just read what u dont have to do to brake the rules and im sorry to make this here :P thanks tho
  4. hi guys im wondering if it is possible to log 2 accounts at the same time? and if it possible , it is legal or ilegal? thanks in advance :)
  5. it is normal that im not even in queue? i mean it says logging in and then nothing happen Q_Q
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