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Posts posted by Mrbragonite

  1. Hey there! I've looked into the issue and it turns out that you need Hoenn Champion to be able to go to Mirage Island. I've also had this confirmed by a Content Scripter. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. The Old man will be changed accordingly in the future to let others know that they require Champion so they don't encounter your same inconvenience.


    I'm really sorry that you couldn't go to Mirage Island yet, but please let me know if you have any further questions.



    I think having the Old Man mention so is a very good addition, glad it helped in that way! Thanks for your assistance.

  2. Hello,


    Today I talked to Old Man Jerry, who said he could see Mirage Island! I was very happy to discover it for the first time. If I understand it correctly, route 131 should be replaced by route 131B, replacing Sky Pillar for Mirage Island. Unfortunately... it didn't. Am I overlooking something? Is this a bug? Is the old man getting senile? Please help!


    Thanks in advance :)


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