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  1. Ever since patch 90.0 i think it was, I´m not able to go from the the game to the desktop without completely closing the game. If i try to alt-tab out, the game freezes, and it remains on the screen in a frozen state, with the toolbar being visible bellow, but if i try to open task manager for example, the frozen image from the game covers the task manager window, and prevents me from doing any interaction with it. This makes it so that i have to restart my pc if I´m unfortunate enough to accidentally press something that opens something other than the game. Also, if i log out, then press exit on start screen, i get the message that game is no longer responding, and then it exits without issue. It was not like this before, and i really enjoyed being able to alt-tab into spawn guides on forum, spotify or whatever. I´m using windows 10, and problem persists with both 64-bit and 32 bit.
  2. Many deffensive pokemon need both HP and def, so celadon city with grimers and koffings in the water is good, considering the lack of good def spots
  3. With over 700 pokemon, it gets a bit overwhelming having all of them squeezed into 1 or 2 zones, and if every zone has every pokemon, they lose their uniqueness, and you wont get the whole adventuring aspect. Pokemon should be confined to their zones of origin, as in the original games. Agree with pinknblack.
  4. Yeah really annoying when you going to EV train in vermilion for example, and some random low lvl trainer chalenges you and you have to use berries to reset. support this idea.
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