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About Plasmatheblue

  • Birthday 06/18/1990

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    I have over 10 years training as a chef so I can cook like my life depends on it and I go to school to major in Astrophysics.
  • Occupation
    I have over 10 years training as a chef so I can c

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  1. I am pretty sure this is a sarcastic remark, but not only did you want a Super Rare Shiny like Charizard, you also had it set to be competitively usable with IVs being set to good and nature being perfect. What did you expect? If you think the pricing is too outrageous you are free to make suggestions. Pricing shinies is easily one of the hardest things to calculate. It was a sarcastic remark and in hindsight you didn't really deserve it since you actually put work into this, so I apologize for that. But I still stand with that pricing being ridiculous. Even a bad S Rare Shiny is around 7mil in your algorithm and that only constitutes something literally insanely rare. I can't even conceptualize what it even could be. I know that you are the first to attempt such a thing so it obviously is just you trying to create something from nothing which is admirable. Something like this really needs community input in a much broader scale. It's very difficult to do that since people tend to troll when an opportunity arises so it's hard to get a serious answer especially when you're asking how much someone is willing to pay. Of course they'll want to pay less.
  2. 28 million for an S Rare shiny. Seems legit.
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