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Zeina666's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Dusknoir 1.2m
  2. Start dusknoir... (100 rc + 400k)
  3. im sorry i thought it is on gold then i noticed its silver
  4. Nice i want to buy them
  5. if this [okes on gold i start i cant if silver
  6. start armaldo and bastio
  7. happened to me too today.. i reported but seems they deleted my post
  8. Hi everyone, i lended my epic dragonite to a person for 4 hours and my poke didnt return to me. it is more than 6 hours now.. have i lost my dragonite now??
  9. Zeina666


    I suggest to add two unique bosses... One fights you when you have full shiny team and the other when you have full legendary team... Bosses can give good rewards for example a special ticket to secret island when you can find nice items and rare pokes and even a chance to catch a legendary bird.. Why not??
  10. i recommend this shop to every one...he trained my hard pokes very fast
  11. nice shop good luck
  12. Im tired of all these crashes that causes losing money, time and willing to play
  13. Me too...Server needs to be fixed
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