Hey there,
So I've noticed when trying to log into the game, myself and several other players (over 500 to be exact) have been having difficulty entering the game due to the high amount of players currently playing, so long that I myself have been waiting well over a half hour to enter.
Now, to fix this problem I suggest making another server, and if you're worried about how you might pay for that it's simple.
It's just like any android online game you've ever played that has a server stack.
You currently have well over 2300 people, givertake playing your game.
If you were to make another server, the idea of players being able to start fresh, with an even playing field would be ecstatic.
Players wanting to get a jump on everyone else, having membership being able to get pokemon someone else might not be able to, have a mount to move faster giving range to progress faster then others.
Now if you think about it, that's roughly 5 - 10$ a person that wants to do so. I myself would be spending 10$ to do so.
So with the amount of people buying in for a jump start, I'm 100% sure you'd have no problem paying for the server Fee with the 100's - 1000's of dollars being donated within minutes of it being up.
On another note, I may not be a genius when it comes to C#, but im pretty sure all you'd have to do is do the same thing you did when making the current server, copying the script from that, make another accessible server in the login screen (which im sure wouldn't be hard to do judging by how much has been accomplished already in this game) pasting the server script under that. Take the games script and paste it under your new server and that'd be about it. But again, I'm not sure how the C# programming works so it's complete speculation.
But that's about all I can think of, I could be spiting this right out of my #$% and everything here would be impossible, but it's just a suggestion. Take it as you will.
Sincerely yours - Cryptix :y: