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  1. Oki, thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks for your quick answer. If I understood correctly. Force and flight does not work yet in the game?
  3. Hi all. Sorry for my bad english, i'm french, and i use google translate. I'm trying to find out how to get TM force and flight? I searched the forum, but no way to get my hands on the help desk to get them. Can anyone help me ? Thank you in advance Skrati
  4. Thanks for help ;)
  5. Last question, where can I sell things?
  6. Thanks you for your reponse. And yes is help me. I don't need mounts, i just need bike or mounts for speed. I have bike coupon, i have give ditto for kid in vermillion. But, is normal, with bike coupon, this price is 60 000 in shop?
  7. Hello everyone, I come back with a question, I just beat the champion celadopole. And I do not hide that I'm a little tired of being on foot. For cycling to what I found on the forum, I have to wait for Vermillion city. But concerning the mount, how can I climb on my arcanine for example? I found on the forul a subject that speaks but does not explain how to get it. Thanks in advance for the help. P. S: sorry for my bad english is use google translate, i'm french and bad speak english
  8. Thank you for your answers, it will help me.
  9. Hello everyone! To start sorry for my bad English, I'm French, I use google translation and I apologize. Then I did not know where to post it on the forum, so I put it here I hope I'm in the right place. I have just started PRO, my pokémons are around lvl 35. But I have several questions, I hope to have an answer. - Where can I find a fire stone? I searched the forum, I did not find. - How are evolutions changing to have alakazam, ectoplasma, etc ...? I saw that there were exchanges on the game, but where can we make an exchange? - Where can I find the earthquake side? Thank you in advance for your answers. Good game everyone! Skrati
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