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  1. update: since many asked me, if i have many bid at last minute, i will have a bidding war in game with those who bid only. As mention at the start there is no bid that will be accept after 10:10pm forum time (so if your bid show 10:11pm you will not be part of the biding war). I will post the screenshot with all pm open of the bidding war. B.o is still 1m by xApoman
  2. new b.o 550k by C1056764603
  3. Im selling this epic Bulbasaur bold overgrow. Bid will start at 300k and im reserving the rights to decline an offer Bid will last 24hour (ending 10:10pm forum time 09/04/2016) Taking Membership token at 150k Will not trade for other pokemon no insta will not take any bid past 10:10pm
  4. ill start it :Shy: 200k
  5. nvm. no time limit.
  6. Re: Auction 3 Pokes, 1 day time left!!! <t>500k on dragonite<br/> 500k on absol</t>
  7. trade complete thanks everyone :thanks:
  8. grats sup3r, im in game atm ill screenshot and post the trade
  9. i will not accept bid that appear after 3:30am server time. so make sure to make your final offer before the end. (if you make a bid at 3:29 but it show on the forum at 3:31 it will not be accepted) Best offer is 1.8m by Sup3r
  10. no thanks. as i posted, i am not accepting any pokemon. sorry Best offer is still 1.5m by Momonosuke
  11. information: when this ends it will be night time for me. I will try to be here but if not i will be here around 10am forum time on the 29/3/2016.
  12. Im selling this epic Bulbasaur chlorophyll bold. I was going to sell it in trade but many people told me to post it in forum. Bid will start at 500k and im reserving the rights to decline an offer Bid will last 48hour (ending 3:30am forum time 29/03/2016) Taking Membership token at 150k Will not trade for other pokemon Insta is 4m
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