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Everything posted by Reiguaravita11

  1. To be honest I don't they will make those legendaries that u listed catchable soon because if you think about it they used the legendary dogs as the prizes for the official tourney. It'll be kinda pointless if they make it capturable any time soon well but those legendary dogs as reward are epic iv pokes
  2. Is that a question or a suggestion? We can't predict the future. cant w8 for this somethimes i get bored playng pro so battle tower would be nice
  3. The staff should make moltres,zapdos,articuno,suicune,raikou and entei catchable because their total status is 580 and u can catch jirachi,mew and celebi which their total status is 600
  4. Will be added battle tower?
  5. You guys of the staff should add shovel to dig spots
  6. Wtb epic adamant rock head rhyhorn
  7. You guys of the staff should add a new tool which is shovel for dig spots
  8. Re: Quanle92's Cheap Shop (Another huge update Feb 10th) <t>Hi I buy the 225k larvitar</t>
  9. Wtb epic male jolly ralts
  10. Re: Epic Aron <t>350khh</t>
  11. wtb blue kimono
  12. so when gonna end the bo?
  13. Re: EPIC DUSKULL AND STARLY <t>30k duskull</t>
  14. Re: EPIC DUSKULL AND STARLY <t>300k duskull</t>
  15. Re: EPIC DUSKULL AND STARLY <t>pay 300k</t>
  16. Re: EPIC DUSKULL AND STARLY <t>150k duskull</t>
  17. buy epic rock head adamant rhyhorn
  18. 10k pm in game
  19. wtb epic modest treecko
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