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About Redfred

  • Birthday 07/19/1998

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  1. Hey guys^^ i was bored so i bought 999 superrepel and hunted drilbur and those are the best ones i got :D pls help me out with PCs (trained) thank you for your time^^ [spoiler=Mold Breaker] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [spoiler=Sand Rush] 1. 2. 3. 4.
  2. Closed
  3. bumb
  5. hey guys^^ i could need a pc on my darmanitan and i wouldlike to know if i would get more money for it if i put a better moveset on it.
  6. well my problem with smogon is it just says what the perfect stats for a pokemon are... i have 4 or 5 with the perfect ability/nature most of them arent perfect but they arent bad aswell like machop for example smogon says jolly i have adamant...i dont want to know the worth from only the perfect ones but from the decent ones aswell and for that smogon isnt rly a help
  7. i would love to do that but i cant i have no clue about prices in pro so its kinda impossible to decide it myself
  8. Hey guys^^ after hours of hunting I decided i should sell the "decent" stuff which I dont need, but well thats easier said than done I have no clue what my pokemons are worth and because of that I made this post and I hope you guys are nice and try to help me. I got more pokemon I would consider decent than i thought (37 in total ) but I hope some of you will take their time and take a look at them. [spoiler=Alolan Vulpix] [spoiler=Alolan Sandshrew] [spoiler=Pansear] [spoiler=Magmar] [spoiler=Darumaka] [spoiler=Snorunt] [spoiler=Eevee] [spoiler=Heracross] [spoiler=Musharna] [spoiler=Machop] [spoiler=Tangela] [spoiler=Gastly] [spoiler=Pineco] Thanks for your time have a nice day. btw sorry if my english isnnt the best im not a native speaker^^
  10. I want to sell this decent togepi for 125k btw if you are looking for togepis which arent good enough for pvp but still good for story(kanto) i sell the for 7k
  11. CLOSED
  12. CLOSED
  13. CLOSED
  14. CLOSED
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