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About Verdad

  • Birthday 05/14/1992

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  1. This shop still open? I wanna buy ur 1m Kabutops.
  2. Re: Aventureur's Shop ( Sparing to try buying a Shiny Flygon Later ) <t>I want to buy your gardevoir, pls pm me if u online.</t>
  3. Bumpity bump bump! :Smile:
  4. Re: iculicious corner shop <t>i wanna buy ur 300k riolu, u r online right now?</t>
  5. the auction is over? i won or not?
  6. Re: EPIC H.A MAGNEMITE 31/31 <t>200k for that magnemite</t>
  7. nvm, that pinsir even got wrong ability and not jolly nature, waste of my time.
  8. lol, so funny, u wrote price start is 100k, so even if i bid it for 100k, the auction will start. You don't know how to sell or auction?
  9. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Name / In Game name: <br/> Verdad (24 years old)<br/> <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Hours played:<br/> 268 hrs<br/> <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Where are you from ? <br/> I'm from Indonesia<br/> <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? <br/> I play daily, every time i get free time or the server is up i will online. ( Since my job is an artist, i will get free time more often xD ) <br/> <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ?<br/> Well, kinda tired and lonely at same time, always alone and no one to chat or socialize in PRO. So i think that's good time to start looking for guild.</r>
  10. At what time u usually online? because yesterday when u online, i already sleep, around 1 a.m already. around 10Am- 4pm EST xD finally u answer, can u online rite now? coz i already online now
  11. yes you have won. add me ingame. IGN: Noblesavage At what time u usually online? because yesterday when u online, i already sleep, around 1 a.m already.
  12. i won the dragonite? when i can trade with u in-game?
  13. Re: Epic impish gligar and epic timid staryu and talon <t>the auction end already or not? and i won or not? the server is up btw, if u wanna trade</t>
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