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  1. Auction!! Starts after first bid Time=48 hrs S.O: 199K Min bid: 30K Accept: Coin Capsule=380k Iv reroll ticket= 550k Nature reroll ticket=270k Rare candy=8k In Game Name: Angat Discord: TrafalgarD.Law#7685
  2. Bump
  3. Now?
  4. nothing
  5. Less than 6Hrs left!
  6. 300K By Rod011
  7. Bump
  8. Started! 250K By Angelo788
  9. Price decreased!
  10. Auction!! Ended!! Congratulations Rod011 Accept: Coin Capsule=360K Iv Reroll Ticket=620K Nat Reroll Ticket=320K Rare Candy=7K In Game Name:Angat Discord:TrafalgarD.Law#7685
  11. 300k By Whiking, 10Mins Left!
  12. 30 Mins Left!!!
  13. 3hrs left!!
  14. 7Hrs Left!
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