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Everything posted by Mrdiamante

  1. 200k
  2. 155k
  3. auction end 30h after this post 09:28PM Gmt+1 good luck too all
  4. ignore this one pls, the bid before was not laoded yet
  5. Starting Offer: 200k Min, Bid:100k No Insta No RR or CC ( just Cash ) Auction ends 30h after first bid
  6. need help with trade, been few days now and still no message, please force trade
  7. and tbahts my friend is wrong. as it says in the auction discription. auchtion ends 48h after first bid. even if im not typing the end time which is what i did. anyways you bid was to late good luck next time
  8. thats the time you need to take as start
  9. you are wrong my friend. check the time of the first bis from nylax. your bid was too late
  10. double checked it now and fool890is the winner
  11. wait what ?
  12. fool890 is still the winner. after me double checking. the last bid was too late
  13. auction will end tuesday at 06:59 Pm Gmt+1. good luck every1
  14. Starting offer: 200k Min bid 100k No insta auction ends 48h after first bid
  15. auction ends now Kimstarz won
  16. bump last 4 hours lets gooo
  17. auction ends sunday at 06:24 PM Gmt+1 Good luck everybody
  18. Starting Offer: 6m Min Bid: 200k Just cash no CC or RR No Insta Auction ends 72h after first Bid
  19. auction ended angelboy587 won
  20. auction ends wednesday 11:32 Gmt +1 ( 29.03.2023 ) good luck every1
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