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  1. Starting offer: 13m Insta price: 18m Min bid: 1m Auction lasts for 48 hours after the 1st bid made Goodluck everyone ...
  2. .
  3. :Shy: Hello I am looking for a guild and would like to apply for a place in Chronos. 1-)I'm a 26 years old guy from Turkey . And my name is Oz . (Of course it is not written like that but pronounced as Oz :) I play pokemon since the pokemon Yellow and my favourite thing about the game is to hunt and battle. 2-)i currently playing on red server and my nickname is Theralion . 3-)i have 750+ hours and i have all badges . 5-)Final objective for me is having shiny chimchar :P psych i joke .. I guess i can play this game forever if there is some people to discuss new strategies and share new ideas about pokemon .So this is all about the people i m playing with not the game itself . 6-)Because i think I am a good team player and always like to play with other people. And I am sure I will make good friends here. I also have experience in pvp 7-)I was in a Guild for 1week but I left because we never did anything together and I an looking for a guild that do things in group like hunt or help each others building teams so we can all play together.And i have my best friend in this guild and i really like to be in the same guild with him . 8-)My one and only favorite pokemon is CHIMCHAR - I like this pokemon for its appearance and i like fire and fight type pokemons most and this guy is the combination of those two :P 9-)i m always here anytime any moment :P 10-)I love this game and never did anything against the rules till now , Can also say the same thing for the discord group rules i have been in different guilds before and never had an issue about the rules . :Sing:
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