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About Zefly

  • Birthday 07/07/1999

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  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey the new links below..made sure it lasts for a day. <QUOTE author="RJWarrior1907"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey join us here<br/> <URL url="https://discord.gg/0qe8GXqRr0OLkc1j">https://discord.gg/0qe8GXqRr0OLkc1j</URL><e> </e></QUOTE> U-Uhm I wasn't available this weekend, can I still join or nah?</r>
  2. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <t>- Adam/ ZeFly<br/> - Currently 60h<br/> - UK<br/> - I play like 3-4 hours a day all week (I'm a sweat)<br/> - I want that cool emote above my head, duh.</t>
  3. Haii, welcome to PRO. Enjoy ya stay!
  4. Pokémon is fun ^~^
  5. Sowwy I couldn't help ;w;
  6. Nice poll, well needed and good job for being mature about it. :Shy:
  7. With certain Pokémon such as Raichu when they evolve they don't have any set moves or don't learn other moves, it's seems roserade is one of these Pokémon that doesn't learn moves, sorry that I can't help you but at least I can notify you for the future. Oh and I recommend a mobile app called "Dexter" very good for searching up Pokémon and their weakness', moves and evolutions. - Ze
  8. IMO, Bulbasaur is the hardest to find. Maybe because my RNG is bad... choose it ;x
  9. Welcome to PRO, nice to meet chu!
  10. Welcome to the community~ Have a nice time! :Shy:
  11. Welcome? Yeah... welcome. Have fun I guess?
  12. Whyd you post it twice XD?
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