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Everything posted by Hesmaboi

  1. @7nolife7 You won, tell me when you are online.
  2. Bump 16 hours left
  3. Need 26+ in all stats, budget 4m
  4. Bump 23 hours left
  5. Start Offer: 300k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 3m 48hrs since first bid
  6. Bids end 48 hours after the first bid. Start: 50k Minimal Bid: 25k No insta
  7. @Newman I am online, text me either in game or here when you are connecting
  8. Insta TTar
  9. Start TTar
  10. I think i won, as the 12 hours ended and also the 15minutes after the last bid, I am online text me!
  11. @Jaatdahiya12 and @Principin8 you won your respective auctions, let me know when you are online!
  12. Congrats you won the auction! let me know when you are online.
  13. Last bump, 13hrs left approx for 30/31 bunny
  14. The auction for that one started already before at 50k btw
  15. All end after 48 hrs after their 1st bid Start 50k, min bid 50k Start 50k, min bid 50k Start 50k, min bid 50k Start 50k, min bid 50k
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