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Everything posted by Gigimon666

  1. In-Game Name: Gigimon666 Discord Tag: Gigimon666 #8240 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? Several times Daily, mainly for reborn bot. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Patch Notes Section, Meme section, maybe add PokeCord and Pokeverse for some fun and spam. Have general chat, and a PVP chat to split the chats up a bit for those who need help with pvp team and those that can just sit and talk. Besides that I find its perfect.
  2. IGN: Gigimon666 Server: Yellow Entry: Approx. Time: 2hrs 46mins, I never drew some of these 'Mons before, It was fun!
  3. Hawlucha's recently added move Flying Press is bugged. As of now I think it only hits for Fighting Type while its meant to be Fighting/Flying I believe. It was super effective against normal types, however when I used it against Grass Types it counted as Not Very Effective. As seen in pic I used Flying Press and where Weepinbell would take super effective damage against flying types, it only took damage to the Fighting type of Not very Effective. Screenshot doesnt tell much as I had to capture it quickly and what not, but I tried my best. Idk if its coded or what not, sorry if it is and my thing is just being buggy ^ ^'
  4. What is your Discord tag? - Gigimon#8240 How often do you use Discord? -Im on it every single day. Though I do not post much Im usually just creeping around reading what others says or using the RebornBot. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? - Maybe a Rating Channel/Suggestions channel? Though the 2nd will probably be flood with nonsensical ideas some people may post a great idea or two. Maybe an Event channel that's only open during events so people may discuss said event there and give tips/pointers. Another suggestion is maybe a a Channel to post up funny chat logs (like screenshots of people posting funny stuff in chat whether its just something silly, nothing R rated). Maybe a channel to report bugs wouldn't be so bad either. To be honest the Discord right now is really perfect and doesn't need much change.
  5. Screenshot here(click) The Lovely Sparce Little Wings Flicking Cutely Yellow Scales Shining In The Light You Beautiful Land Snake Your are Serene and Graceful From Your Drill Tail, To Your Blue Ringed Eyes My Love For Thee Shall Never Die Dunsparce - - - - - Went for a more free verse poem cause i suck at poems lo, but figured I'd tryl
  6. Auctioning off a Collectors Teddiursa. (see pic below) What makes it a collector bear? -Its collectible due to the reason all its IVs are below 10.. [glow=red]~Rules~[/glow] -Legit offers please, thank you.(i.e no lowballin')(no 1$ bids,trolls etc) -Auction starts at first bid, and ends in TWO DAYS today (Feburary 5th, Midnight EST, or two days after first bid.) -Money offers only, no shines, mounts, cc's, etc. -Heads up its a Sinnoh Teddiursa..please only bid if you can take Sinnoh Pokemon. -There are no Insta's in this auction. -Friendly auction. Don't get snippy if someone outbids.. -Post offers on this thread, do NOT pm me in game, on discord, or here those offers will not count. Because its easier to track bids here too Thank you.
  7. My favorite Pokemon believe it or not is Dunsparce. Ive always loved the little guy, hes mostly made fun off and called useless but I find ways to make hi work within my teams. Reason for the headset? Well Gaming Headsets are expensive, but not only that, I actually have a gaming laptop, mouse, keyboard etc I have the whole build, but Im missing the headset! Of course I could just go buy one easily, but Id rather donate to PRO then buy a headset to use on a computer.
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