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  1. Thank you for your reply mate, first of all i would like to clarify that i'm not an old player of PRO and recently started playing PvP, i'm not complaining about pseudo-legendaries like dragonite (wich i also don't have yet). for me they already suffit for the role if you want a pretty dangerous poke on your team.. With pseudo-legendaries we can still have the balance i wanted and there are not many of them, adding true legies in my oppinion makes normal pokes (wich where supposed to also be great if well used) kind of useless, forcing people to choose almost allways the same pokemons that can work against oponent's possible legendaries (even not having them) like a "must have", old players probably will have better pokemon that i in PvP regardless of legies availability, but my point is that PvP balance is already good without legies (better in my opinion) so i really wanted to open discussion and see other players opinions (thank you again for bringing yours) and see if many people agree with me, that's all.
  2. I'm making this tread to argue about legendaries at pvp battles. Even when i was playing the original pokemon games i never liked using them cause for me it makes the battle agaist other pokes (that can be already very rare (epic IVs, Nature, h.a...)) unfair, and game way easier than it should be. On this game we have awesome bosses with strong pokemons (even megas) and it should be ok to use legendaries agains them (PvE). But for PvP in my opinion it makes battles less strategic and more about hwo has more legendaries. my opinion is that legendaries should be only usable on PvE, but i have a friend that also plays, and i asked his opinion, he said that is nice to value the merit of getting those legendaries but we should have an option for PvP where legendaries where and where'nt available, and for me it sounds like a good solution too. I'm sure more people think the same way as i about this topic, so please either u agree or not, leave your opinions, thanks!
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