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Everything posted by Eziogrezzo

  1. I can learn playing piano in 1000 hours rotfl
  2. yes but endgame means when you ended the game, i.e. all the regions and pokedex maybe, which can be done in 100 hours I believe. 1000+ hours for doing something is just LOL
  3. Yeah I got your points, however what I do not understand is why we are forced to do those thing and we can't catch legendaries soon after the regions or after completing the dex... I think that a good player with guild support can fullfill or the requirements for legendaries in 100 hours at maximum, the fact that I have to wait like houndreds of hours for doign somethind is absurd, if for example I don't like to spend my life on that game .It is like making some contents unavailable for most normal people lol. I just don't understand this policy...
  4. I was reading the requirements to legendaries and doing most of the endgame stuff. We need like 250+ hours of gameplay to do basically everything. Why??? I mean, if you are an experienced player you can complete all the four regions in like 50 hours or less, what's the point of those absurd requirements to do the most interesting things after?? Someone explain me pls
  5. #1: What is your in-game name? Eziogrezzo #2: What is your age? 25 #3: How many hours out of the day are you on PRO? Depends... in those days I am free so 2+, other periods less #4: Do you use Discord? If so, then would you be willing to join our group? If so, what is your name/ID? No, but I will surely make a Discord and join the group if u accept me:) #5: What would you think your specialty on PRO is (PvP/Trading/Hunter/etc.)? I have a lot of PvP experience in Showdown (I've been top 100 OU a couple of times), but here in PRO I will need a lot of work to build a competitive team. #6: What can you bring to us if you joined? Some experience to help new players especially in teambuilding, and I would say that I am also a funny and talkative guy :) #7: Is #5 and #6 the same question? Nah, being good at something does not mean that you'll help the guild... it is more important to have the good will to do that!
  6. IGN: EzioGrezzo Nome: Giacomo Story-Line: Kanto, 2a medaglia. Ho scoperto PRO da poco e sono agli inizi, ma ho molta esperienza (gioco a pokemon da tipo 10 anni, anche a livello competitivo e sono stato top 100 OU in Showdown un paio di volte). Se hai voglia di invitarmi in Gilda, sono online tutte le sere diciamo dalle 10 fino alle una. Grazie!
  7. Thank you, I miss some hours of gameplay now, but I certantly will consider this one in the future. For now, I am looking for a guild that can accept me with only 25 hours of gameplay.
  8. I started playing PRO some days ago. I am still at the beginning (Kanto), but I am an experienced player interested to play PvP in the future. I would like to join a Guild on GOLD server. Tnx IGN : EzioGrezzo
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