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  1. ●What's your Name/IGN? 7Romain7 ● How old are you? 27 ● Are you active in Discord? Yep, I'm usually a mobile player ● Where are you from? France ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I have 300h + of playtime ● What's your goal in PRO? Short term : catch all the legendaries. Long term : Pvp ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I heard nice feedbacks from people of the guild ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Probably Gengar, because the first one I caught for story was an epic one (31 SPD - Timid) and I still use it today ● What's your favorite animal and why? Dog, because they love u no matter what.
  2. Auction ended, sold to darkrenzo. I'll pm u in game as soon as I can
  3. Want to sell this untrained tank lapras. Sassy is an interesting nature that profits from the defensive base stats of Lapras and his low base speed and is perfectly viable in PvP. Auction duration : 48h after first bid Starting offer : 300k Minimum Bid : 50k Accepts CC (350k) and IV Reroll (700k)
  4. ● What's your Name/IGN? 7Romain7 ● How old are you? 27 ● Are you active in Discord? Yes ● Where are you from? France ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 300+ ● What's your goal in PRO? Godly Pvp team ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I heard it was a very nice and active guild ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Kindra, first shiny ● What's your favorite animal and why? Dogs because they are friendly
  5. Still doing lvl up services ?
  6. Hey, still doing lvl up service ?
  7. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? 7romain7 2. Number of hours played? 300+ 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Gengar 4. What country are you from? France 5. How old are you? 17
  8. LOL actually it was in my storage xD idk whyy ...
  9. So to be simple, I traded 65k for a wailord mount but just after the trade the servers disconnected and I now find myself poor and without a mount. I still have the icon in my 3 slot but can't use it. Hope you can fix that :/ because even if I don't really like that much Wailord, It's my only surf mount so I'll be mad if don't get one back xD. Btw first time I use te forums and topics so sorry if my screenshot doesn't appear well or right. Kind Regards.
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