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Posts posted by Prosut

  1. What's your IGN? Prosut


    How many hours do you have in PRO? 126h

    Do you have discord? Prosut#1160

    How far are you in story? Currently doing the quest for Hoenn.

    How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) Everyday, at least 2 hours.

    Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both?  Curently more into PVE but deffinetly would like to lean more into PVP once i build my team.

    Have you ever been banned in game and why? Yes, for fake buying, i was a dumb kid and i am not anymore.

    Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Because i feel a need to join a guild with simple minded people who just want to enjoy the game and make the experience better by being helpfull and supportive towards other players. And i feel like your guild might be the place im looking for. As for my goals, i want to make the guild a better place and make it even better name than it already has. Thanks for the consideration and have a great day.

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