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  1. IGN: Estevelag Discord: estevelag#7053 Server: Silver Story: Sleep paralysis He woke up, his heart was beating as fast as the first time he saw a man being killed, he tried to remember what was he dreaming about but he couldn’t, just a vague dark cloud came up in his mind. He tried to stand up and he noticed how light his body felt as he was standing up. He realized it was all dark and he felt a very big pressure in his chest like if he was being oppressed by something. He then remembered he hadn’t slept in two days, his obsession with a game had him on his nerves. Suddenly a loud high scream crossed his mind. He ran as fast as he could without feeling the floor, with his heart beating faster and faster. As he opened the door, he heard a wild squeak and saw his little sister being surrounded by a dark cloud with a red line separating a lighter cloud above it, absorbing his little sister; just like a pokemon in the game he had been playing. While he saw his little sister becoming dark his heart stopped, making him see the things slower, as if he was being controlled to suffer more. His heart stopped completely when his little sister disappeared, losing his consciousness for a bit. He then remembered that thing was like Darkrai a pokemon which controlled your dreams, but just after he remembered that, everything became black. He woke up, his heart was pumping faster than the last time he had sleep paralysis. It used to happen to him since 5 years ago but it had become stronger the last couple of days and he had to spend more time conscious without being able to move except form his eyes. He tried to remember what he was dreaming about, and something weird with a red belt flashed in his mind with a white dot. He heard a big scream, and as he ran he didn’t felt anything and that strange white dot was becoming bigger and bigger as a wild fear was entering his mind. The feeling of despair began to grow in him without knowing why. He rapidly opened the door he saw his sister being sucked by a dark cloud. The despair began to outweigh everything and just as his mind was becoming black a white light exploded in his mind, with enough force to make him say “Just kill me please”.
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