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  1. Do you know where i can find one that let it allocate more than 256mb? I have been serching but i coudnt find anything.
  2. I have Galaxy S5 and it gets stuck on loading hats...... what can i do? i have android 5.0 lolipop
  3. Both of them looks awesome! ill use them!! TYVM!!!!
  4. Lavaqui

    Luta's Art

    Luta, if you have some time can you make me a suicune avatar?
  5. I would love an avatar with suicune if it is possible! Ty in advance!
  6. Lavaqui

    Luta's Art

    No LOL Tyvm mate!
  7. Lavaqui

    Luta's Art

    Luta do you still have the signature that you made me?
  8. ty for the welcome guys!
  9. Hi Knotz!!! Ill see you ingame!
  10. Welcome to the revolution!
  11. Welcome! hope to see you in game!
  12. Hi guys! im back! hope to see yo in game
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