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About Kakoi

  • Birthday 10/14/1992

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Kakoi's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. And I thought getting adamant farfetch is the best for false swipe. Thaat paras has even spore forgot about it.
  2. What poke you got for jhoto? just curious hhe
  3. You are using the old client, download the latest one
  4. Ok how much for one? :D
  5. Kakoi

    Game Bug

    Currently the blue server is offline. You can check stataus here : https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ Server going down daily is to be expected atm. The only solution for this is to try live with it.
  6. price in terms of pokedollar?
  7. I asked similar question before. From what I recall it is for creating communities usually with similar interests in the game. Though if you're a loner you don't need one like me :( EDIT: ROFL your sig gif
  8. im pming you you're not replying :(
  9. I already found seller earlier from anthony. sorry.
  10. How much for adamant houndour?
  11. I want to buy tools from coin shop
  12. I believe you have to accept twice before the trade is done, did you see set $30000 in his trade? if not, why did you continue to accept
  13. Wow scams are starting now T_T Whaat happened to the innocent community I had before?
  14. I'm no pvper myself but fomr what I've seen most pvp pokes prioritize speed and abilities. Status effects moves are generally prioritized too. For pve, I think you just focus more on damage and type resistances/immunity. Arcanine aand wartortle are decent for pve. I suggest you also get gyarados. Gengar, nidoking and magnezone can be good addition too
  15. From my experience, a solo lvl 100 gengar can beat e4. You just at lest need 10 revives. I suggest replace hex with icy wind to help beat lance. Also try not to have same type moves in a set to maximize its verstility. The gengar I used have moves shadowball, dark pulse, psychic and icy wind. The last three moves mostly counter the three e4. Bruno(psychic), agatha(dark pulse) and lance(icy wind). For lance, you need at leaast 2 hits for most of his poke so here comes your revive buffers.
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