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Luxiao last won the day on July 18 2023

Luxiao had the most liked content!

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1852 profile views

Luxiao's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Summer Form Timid Ralts Synchronize 4m+2RR SOLD
  2. Xmas Form Relaxed Psyduck Cloud Nine 1m SOLD
  3. Star Wars Form Timid Kadabra Inner Focus 1.6m SOLD Adamant Pangoro Mold Breaker 400k SOLD
  4. Just wanna share this my sold pokemon while I am in GOLD server Summer Form Timid Ralts Trace 10m Shiny Hardy Golett Iron Fist 12m+2CC Summer Form Timid Ralts Synchronize 4.5m Summer Form Careful Ralts Synchronize 3m+2CC Star Wars Form Jolly Mimikyu Disguise 4m+2CC Xmas Form Jolly Lopunny Klutz 2.6m
  5. 3.1m Edit: since someone do earlier 3.1m. Didn't notice I'll do 3.2m
  6. since no starting price. I will start it 100k
  7. Luxiao

    nvm closed

  8. Luxiao


  9. 2.3m
  10. start
  11. @Ilmedianno Heyy. I'm online right now. Just let me know when u will online or just pm in game. Thanks.
  12. Congratss. I'm on an appointment with my doctor right now. I'll let you know when I'm home later.
  13. 2hrs left for magnemite
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