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Posts posted by Kaiiju

  1. Re: Memoire [international guild]


    <r>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/>

    <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/bpXJbUG.png?1"><s></e></IMG><br/>


    2. Why should we accept you into the guild?<br/>

    Got alot of expirience with Pokèmon (played them all from Yellow-X) , i always try to help others with questions, and i love to make people laugh with stupid/sarcastic humor ^_^ never a dull day<br/>


    3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/>



    4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/>

    Most of the time yes, can't guarantee the weekends though, but during the week i'm online everyday <E>:Angel:</E></r>

  2. 113156 You're not the first and most certainly not the last to suggest this, try scrolling through a page or two of the suggestions and you'll find this mentioned many times, I'm sure it's planned for the future so don't worry!

    okay yeah i didnt know sorry, still new to the forum :) , but yeah it would be awesome if this could be implemented in game

  3. hi everyone


    So today an idea popped up in my head, aren't you a bit tired of the look of your sprite? And are you thinking well maybe i should have picked the red haircolor? Well how about implementing a salon in game where you can change your hairstyle/haircolor? I dont know if this is allready in game , if it is i'll delete the topic, but it looks like a nice idea to me, what are your thoughts?

  4. Text: Kaiiju

    Pokemon/character: Shiny Ninetales

    Animated: yes , if its possible ofcourse


    my ign is Kaiiju


    Could you work with black and blue colors? And is it possible to add this img186_1.jpg in the signature somewhere? Would be awesome :3

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