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About Lediabetic

  • Birthday August 21

Personal Information

  • Career
    Youtuber and Certified Pokemon Dealer
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  • Occupation
    Youtuber and Certified Pokemon Dealer

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  1. Image relinked properly. Usually when you get graphical issues like this, it's because of an issue with the extraction process. I would recommend deleting your game files, then re-installing from the downloads page or via a mirror link. Afterwards, extract your game files into a new game folder (try using 7zip if you've been using WinRar so far). As for issues about connecting, try rebooting your computer and checking your firewall/antivirus settings. Sometimes it happens that PRO is blocked by mistake, which will cause a "Cannot connect" message. Let me know if any of that helps, and if not we'll see if we can troubleshoot further. Thank you very much! ill try that and come back with a reply! :)
  2. When i try to log in this is what i keep seeing,
  3. Hi! So i have been having trouble connecting to the server, i went to the post above about what to do if you cant connect and did all the steps and checked the requirements. Ever since i downloaded the new client i havnt been able to get on and every time i try to log in it says it cant connect as well as the screen gets all buggy and covered in black dots... Does anyone have any suggestions?
  4. does anyone know?
  5. Hey guys! So i just got to the 3rd floor on mt silver and I saw raiku there but i didnt talk to it and kept walking through thinking i could come back and talk to it, but when i came back he was gone.... is there any way to interact with him again? will i lose anything for not talking to it???? Please help haha
  6. Welcome to KOTBO Frank440Rdz! check your dms, ill send you the links and other info! :)
  7. Welcome to the Knights of the Blood Oath swishdon! :) ill be sending you a pm with further details! :D
  8. Welcome to the Knights of the Blood Oath Klein021! Either Kir1to or I will be sending a pm your way with more details! :D Were excited you joined!!
  9. Welcome to the guild Gconcept!! We are very excited for you to join!! :D ill pm you with the additional details! Add me in game @Lediabetic and ill invite you! congratulations!
  10. Welcome to the guild PrincessSerina!! We are excited for you to join!! :) ill pm you with the additional details! Add me in game @Lediabetic and ill invite you!!
  11. Welcome to the guild Blixion!! We are excited for you to join!! :) ill pm you with the additional details! Add me in game and ill invite you
  12. Welcome to the Knights of the Blood Oath Stereopwnz! We are exciting about you joining! ill pm you with the details! :D
  13. Thanks a lot!! ^.^
  14. Welcome to the Knights of the Blood Oath! :) Ill pm you with the other information!
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