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  1. Wtb noivern/noibat infiltrator timid 28+ speed and good iv
  2. SchmittyT9 starts the bid for Jolteon, 200k c.o i think we can do only a day of bid, so 1 day left
  3. hi, i can connect now, can you connect?
  4. nope, i’m working:) i’ll contact you around 8 Pm Rome gtm. in the game i’m wiwot too
  5. Price updated for jolteon
  6. lazarosLa20 win the Auction for aero for 950k, Komata win salamence for 500k thank you to everybody
  7. 1 day left for salamence and aerodactyl
  8. start rotom
  9. Komata starts salamence , c.o 500k 2 days left
  10. Juviaaa starts aero, C.o 600k 2 days left
  11. as i already told you, 300k is honest, aero is for an ultra offensive team, it is a suicide leader which set the stealth, is able to taunt ferro and also make a fireblast against it . I assure you that players who often reach ladder told me its value and honestly i believe to them since i think they play better than you. Anyway thank you for your point of view, next time please pm without writing here. Have a nice day, bye
  12. ty for your point of you, but aero is not trash since it is mixed with fire blast, jolteon is 31 speed hp ice volt absorb, not so good evs but 300k is a good price anyway, finally salamance is 31 speed and 30 attack moxie
  13. price of jolteon updated
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