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About Zavabo

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Zavabo's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. There is nothing they can do about that, you will just have to keep spending 5k every time you wish to use the safari.
  2. Re: Gambilicious's sale shop (added epic lucario) <t>Start the feraligatr ^^</t>
  3. Re: Tr1ckz's Shopping Booth <t>Snorunt - H.A. Female 150k? ^^</t>
  4. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>What name should i be looking for to make it easy?</t>
  5. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <t>Durant 400k, Feraligator 600k? ^^</t>
  6. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>I'll buy jellicent 600k, Chandelure 600k</t>
  7. Re: futz's auction house (GRAB IT FAST) <t>700k for the vaporeon ^^</t>
  8. How about after a certain number of times the boss has already been beat?
  9. Re: Amazing pvp pokemons lvl 100 and low lvl's (with insta prices!) <t>n9:Elekid I'll buy insta ^^</t>
  10. Using the android link, all i get is maintenance am I doing something wrong.
  11. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. <t>110k for growlithe</t>
  12. 150k for the Eevee if thats fine.
  13. Re: Electro's 100s <t>280k ^^</t>
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