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Everything posted by Zavabo

  1. There is nothing they can do about that, you will just have to keep spending 5k every time you wish to use the safari.
  2. Re: Gambilicious's sale shop (added epic lucario) <t>Start the feraligatr ^^</t>
  3. Re: Tr1ckz's Shopping Booth <t>Snorunt - H.A. Female 150k? ^^</t>
  4. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>What name should i be looking for to make it easy?</t>
  5. Re: Silver's Shop PvP, Shinies,Coins,MS <t>Durant 400k, Feraligator 600k? ^^</t>
  6. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>I'll buy jellicent 600k, Chandelure 600k</t>
  7. Re: futz's auction house (GRAB IT FAST) <t>700k for the vaporeon ^^</t>
  8. How about after a certain number of times the boss has already been beat?
  9. Re: Amazing pvp pokemons lvl 100 and low lvl's (with insta prices!) <t>n9:Elekid I'll buy insta ^^</t>
  10. Using the android link, all i get is maintenance am I doing something wrong.
  11. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. <t>110k for growlithe</t>
  12. 150k for the Eevee if thats fine.
  13. Re: Electro's 100s <t>280k ^^</t>
  14. Well how about actually adding an insta price or b.o starting point that way you can actually accomplish something, because honestly you're not going to get anywhere with everyone shooting prices at you in the dark. :Bored:
  15. Re: variation's shop ! only epic / god poke here (h.a bold squirtle in ! ) <t>400k ferroseed 2</t>
  16. Re: variation's shop ! only epic / god poke here (h.a bold squirtle in ! ) <t>ferroseed 2 : 200k ^^</t>
  17. Re: Electro's 100s <t>200k ^^ to start out the bid.</t>
  18. Are you fine with 200k for the venipede?
  19. Dota 2 for custom games, LoL for competitive
  20. Re: Welcome in my shop new talondflame H.A and gallade added) <r><E>:Smile:</E> Happy with the pokemon I got Thank you.</r>
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