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About Poizon

  • Birthday 03/13/2001

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  1. Hi, I've been playing Pokemon for a while now and when I am farming X.P or money the screen when it says how much money and X.P you got gets annoying. I know you can make text move faster in settings, but all I want is a skip button. Why? well farming can get repetitive so I would like to see it go faster. It would only be for wild Pokemon. This would make things much easier in a lot of peoples game time. Thanks for reading!
  2. Personally I think this is one of the best suggestions yet. It would add diversity. What i mean is Team Rocket Vs. Trainers would be more of an actual battle instead of some random rocket grunts. Team Rocket is a huge part of Pokemon, why not make it big in this game.
  3. This is my first forum post sorry for all the mistakes but it was awhile before I could find the right place to post this... I would love to become a trade moderator and I have a bunch of ideas to help, but I am 14 so that not gonna happen xD. So I decided to say it this way. One of my ideas are Trade tables.... Usually will be in a center or shop of some what and will help stop scamming. Of course you can still manual trade and all but having a World Trade Center in Pokémon would be cool so you could go there an every one there has the intention to trade. So now your probably like who could this stop scams well you put your item on the table and it shows what type the Pokémon is if its shinny and its name and you HAVE to put some thing on the trade table to enter it. Also there could be random bids of Pokémon or any other stuff. The Pokémon Trade Center would have Categories like 1. BTW The entrance would have a message about the place and what it is for... Floor Pokémon with a bid center Floor 2. Mounts? Maybe. Floor .3 Rare Candies and Tms or such. and so on. Also there would be a 3 min trade time for a table to stop trolls.
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