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Posts posted by Noterdame69

  1. 137538

    Description and Message


    Recently re downloaded the client and when I log into the game the character creation image is bugged. (showing what look to be random menu images and a big square that just looks like static)

    Also in game player and poke sprites are grayed out partially, so are other players sprites. Some flower tiles appear as path tiles too. No idea what's goin' on. Was fine when I last downloaded the game.[/i]

    Please try to delete any versions of PRO you have and reinstall if it works let me know if not msg back on this forum and i will see if i can get someone that can help.

  2. 137523 PRO Username: plugmyfatd

    Description and Message

    i was playing and out of no where i got banned. i was trading with my friend. i have put a lot of time into the game and have done nothing wrong to get banned i am a very loyal and good person wouldnt do anything to get banned. i just want my account unbanned so i can continue my adventure with my best friend and to give him back his pokemon. thank you for your time.

    Also make sure you are including everything needed in a ban appeal.

  3. 134702 PRO Username: James392

    Hello! After several attempts to register a PRO account beteeen yesterday evening and this morning, apparently unsuccessfully (i received messages of registration problems), i checked my e-mails and i found that i've already registered three times. May you delete the other accounts exept this one? I haven't used any of these accounts for playing yet. I'm sorry. :Cry


    They dont need to be deleted it is ok. if this happens just play with the account that you want to use

  4. 134741 PRO Username: NCYViola

    Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    I have been playing for a while, but after going to the rocket hideout, the game will not continue when I tried to have conversations with the other characters.



    Description and Message[/i]

    This is most likely from the server lagging or crashing just be patient you may have to relog.

  5. Jokernun usually with the ghost que it is just a visual bug and if you wait the time you are normally logged in no problems. If you it is a problem restart your client (you may have to a few times) until the que reappears. Fell Free to pm me if you have any other questions.

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