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Posts posted by Pillowporkers69

  1. I would also like to point out I have 5,500 hours in the game over my 4 accounts. PLEASE TRUST ME. This is not just "bad rng" I can second, third, and fourth what this poster is saying. Tier 9 even is not going to go 17 hours of in game hunting with 0 of it. THE SPAWN IS NOT THERE. Its frustrating me because no one is taking these posts seriously and its the map I personally want to hunt the most. 

  2. I've also can attest and have posted about this in the Discord under the support/bug-report sections. I've had multiple people I know hunt here for over 7+ hours not a single spawn of smeargle in cryofrost brink. Personal numbers 74 sneasel, 13 emolga, and 8 swablu, and 0, yes 0, smeargle (and yes i have a membership). Emolga and Swablu dont even spawn all day. Thats not just "bad rng". This smeargle spawn is broken.  Please fix. 




  3. Imo I don't see the benefit of separate coins and tokens. Personally, as a player who hasn't ever laddered, I've been working for months to get an epic prestige mount so I would like to keep getting coins/tokens all in one spot as 2,500 coins is a lot of coins, specifically when you aren't placing on the ladder (yet!)

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  4. I think the timers currently are too long, but why an overall timer? I just think moving the timer from 90 seconds to like 20 or 30 seconds would be all you need to do. You don't want to remove stall teams completely IMO. I feel 5 min and 15 might be a little harsh on the too fast side.

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