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  1. Again, my original point was that it would reduce such mistakes, not completely eradicate them. Even if you yourself are not misled by its title, other people may be. Also, though people will still likely speak non-English languages in the "All" chat from time to time, such a title change could still help reduce instances of people posting trade messages, which was also in my original post.
  2. Okay sure, but the title "All" can be quite misleading, which was my original point. The title implies more freedom than is given, since you really cannot discuss "All" topics in "All" languages.
  3. Rename All chat to English chat. All chat is a bit misleading, people may interpret it meaning all languages are allowed (which according to the rules aren't) or that trading etc. is allowed there (which also isn't). Small easy change, could help reduce the amount of people mistakenly speaking anything other than English in the chat, or posting trades in the chat.
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