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Posts posted by Cryo23

  1. 124711
    124684 kind of an annoyance,



    agreed!!! rebattling weak trainers are more of annoyance than any gain. We can take that we need to ride a mount to travel between places and have a chance of shiny, but weak trainers blocking our path as if their lvl 6 caterpie can beat our lvl 99 gyarados. There is no benefit rebattling them as their rewards are too negligible.


    one suggestion I could make is that once a trainer has been beaten once, you only battle them once you talk to them rather than crossing their line of sight.


    What you said is not true! Sure some Trainers give a low reward but if you rebattle all Trainers in Kanto and Johto you will earn 400k...I would call that worth it!


    That 400k would be useful, although it is very hard to go and rematch all the trainers though both regions, But what Kakoi said about only re matching them when you interact with them will still allow players to get that 400K while allowing others to continue instead.

  2. Here's really another thing I don't really understand about the game.

    Trainer rematches, especially weak trainer rematches. To me they are kind of an annoyance, you have already beaten them, they still have the same leveled pokemon, and they just make your trip to where you're going a lot longer.

    If there any reason to this?

  3. 122479


    Incorrect. There are certain pokemon that give 2-3 EV's, usually an evolved form of a Pokemon.


    Oh, well sorry for my error.

    Either way a Lvl 80 should have already maxed their EV's.


    I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just helpin' out! And yeah, a level 80 would by far have maxed EV's, but I assumed he knew how EV's worked, it looks like he has EV's in multiple stats.


    No no I knew you did, I literally didn't intend for my comment to be sarcastic XD

    Yea, the problem is that they probably already are maxed out

  4. 122432 yes but my other 80 and above pokemon dont get ev too and some of them have evs around 180 and i cant train those too :/


    How do you get a pokemon that high without already having completed the max amount of EV's?

    When you think about it, Pokemon give 1 EV each, if you farmed speed for example, and with the varietion of pokemon and how much EXP needed to evolve you're pokemon probably already has 510EV's.

  5. 121858 It could be better if we don't have to redownload all the client every update (maybe adding an updater ?)


    Althought that would be ideal, I don't think they have the money nor the resources at the moment (from what I've gathered at least).


    Maybe if there were instead of massive re downloads, possibly update packets where you just drag and drop into the pre existing data folder and it would replace the old data with the new data


    But on a side note, It's good too see other agree, hopefully soon an administrator will look over this :)

  6. Could there possibly be a update bar in-game that could notify players when a newer game versions is available?

    I thought it might be quicker than having to try to login, not work, exit and reopen and have the same thing happen again.

  7. Aye guys, hows it going.

    Good, great.


    I'm only new to this community but it seems pretty relaxed and free of haters, and it's good to see a community full of people that share my interest in my opinion, one of the best games I have played.


    A few things about me would probably be how I first started my Pokemon journey in Sinnon region playing diamond, which is still my favourite region full of my favourite Pokemon. My favourite types are Ice or Electric and my favourite type of Pokemon are the ones with high speed and special attack (dependant one type).


    If you guys see me around don't be afraid to say hi, I actually like to see myself as pretty good at the game so if you need a bit of help (Not story related) don't be afraid to ask aha :)


    That's it for me guys, I'll see you around

  8. 114137
    114055 With my android I can load onto it fine, I get though the loading screen and I can loggin and get past the title screen.

    The moment the game acutaly loads it had a slightly dark tint and freezes, got any ideas?

    Which is your device? Put please a link with its specs :Smile:


    I believe it's a Samsung Tab 2014 edition

    With more than enough ram, so over 2GB i think?

    It's running Android 4.4

    And has OpenGL 2.2

  9. 113666 they do it that way so that you feel as if to be encouraged to purchase a mount. its smart micro transaction developing on their part


    I thought it might of been something like that, so It's understandable.

    113668 There really isn't much of a reasonable explanation for the bike really, Hell I'm not sure restricting fly is also reasonable but either way fly is gone mostly so you pay a boatload of money on a subway system to filter out money in the community.


    With fly I think it'd just be too easy for players to get place to place and you'd barely see anyone around outside of the citys (plus that they need money)

    113670 Moved the topic to correct forum.


    These are the money sinks required for the game to develop, as every game needs one.


    Yea, it's understandable, at least you're honest about it

  10. So I had recently downloaded Pokemon Revolution on my tablet, the game starts up onto the loading screen well, it connects and logs in, but the moment that the game gets though all that and it shows the map and my trainer there, it freezes and crashes.

    Any reasons for this? I would like to hear if there was any ways to fix it.

  11. I'm confused by the reliance on Poke dollars within the game.

    In a few different contexts it's understandable for why they are relied on and hard to obtain a decent amount, e.g: The poke mart and trying to Trainers uses items less, and just making the game more realistic in a sense.


    What I don't understand is why you need 50k to get the HM Fly or how you need 75k just to get a bike.

    Frankly without the bike, It just makes travailing that little more painful (I understand why fly can't be used outside of battle although).

    They don't make the game harder, it's just makes it longer than it really needs to be.

    If someone could give me an reasonable explanation I'll be more than happy, thank you :)

  12. 112979
    112771 which is having a warning of what Pokemon a trainer was about to throw out and being able to switch out your Pokemon along with it.

    Won't happen, you can't change your pokemon so it's more difficult and is more a challenge than the handheld games.


    The player model most likely will stay


    Ah ok, I suppose that makes sense then. Thanks anyway aha

  13. 112776 How come registration isn't up yet? The timetable had shown Saturday 11.00 AM GMT + but hours have passed and it still isn't up?


    I think it's to do with the creation of the new server, right now the Red server is really backed up. So what I think they are doing is stopping other from registering so the server doesn't get as overpopulated.

    (I'm talking about having it nearly always full with a que of 1000+ people)


    So once they have the server back up I'm assuming so will registation.

  14. Hey, I know that I'm kinda nit picking at the game a little.


    For one of them it's something that I loved in the actual games, which is having a warning of what Pokemon a trainer was about to throw out and being able to switch out your Pokemon along with it. If you can give me a reason why you can't do this I don't mind and I'll understand


    As well as the size ratio between the player models and the environment, this one isn't really needed. I just thought small improvement to the game are some of the best things along with large improvements


    That's really all I can think of now, sorry if I have posted this is the wrong discussion or anything.

    If you guys also have something I would mind seeing it as well



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