what is left to do in this game after you have gone through all the regions? i think there should be something more around that because.. this game is pretty empty after you have gone through all the regions. sure you can take bosses and do some pvp. but the system focused around pvp in this game is pretty bad. its not that it doesent work. its finding the pokemon. spend a long time lvling them up ect ect. and i rather just wanna play pvp in pokemon sun or something because. its more fulfilling to me. here is what i suggest should be put into the game. after you accomplished evrything, like, in going through the regions. there should be a system into this game that puts you faster into a pvp that would be much easier to enjoy then what you have now. what would this thing entale? i think this system should be based up on evrything you put into this. like for example. you wanna use pikachu in pvp. you must catch it and put it into whatever this system should be. you want a pikachu with hidden ability on it, you must get a pikachu with hidden ability on it, and you could have a higher variety tactics you choose for yourself. if you wanna use berrys, you must get that and put that into this thing, and you could use it unlimited even if its just 1 thing you put into it. and i think that should be the case for evrything you want from pokemons. to tms to shiny.. to evrything. if this was the case, you would have much more fulfilling experience and have something to look forward to when competing against evryone else. also how you would look forward to catch evry pokemon besides the ones they want for pve. even tho you got a lvl 5 pikachu maybe, and you got it into this thing. it should automaticly be any lvl you would want it to be. so you dont have to spend 30 hours maxing it out. i think we should have a "restart" button for our account that would take place only when you have done evrything there is to do, region wise. why should this be? like even if you should have to pay for this with real money. i think there should come benefits from this. like, even tho you would start back in kanto and have evrything you had up to this point, your pokedex should be maxed out, that would be 1 benefit from doing this. so you know evry pokemon you could meet evrywhere you go. so you could have something more to work towards in having fun in pvp. maybe even having a higher meeting rate of those special pokemon you couldn othervise meet, unless you buy a membership. in some sense i am talking about how pokemon showdown works out. its awesome if you only wanna pvp. but i think this consept would put an pokemon online rpg to the next lvl so evryone could enjoy, have fun and always have something to look forward to. because right now it just feels empty. you must have alot of time on your hands to play this game to its fullest. and there is so much time spent on this you could rather have prepared for a pvp system that would work out in an instant.