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Posts posted by Riffen

  1. Does the valentines evo synch or is it 1/550 per pokemon no matter? For example budew and roselia, I have gotten 2 valentine budews but I am also waiting for the roselia. Am I wasting time? :-P

  2. They are all in the same tab, and the pages are very small. More tabs would be very much appreciated, so we can store pokes in different tabs instead of releasing more than necessary because they just make a mess

  3. I have so many Budew I have to keep, and it has gotten to be more pokes then I have myself. Not just budew, but also roselia, kirlia, ralts, happiny and some minccino. And I'm not stopping :-(


    Do you have any new incoming updates on the poke storage box? I literally don't know what to do with all these. I wanna store them, but they are trying to take over my box xD

  4. I'm slightly annoyed as I spammed this guy who sells 50 pokes at a time for the first time. I bought and sold a cc for that to empty the cashstack on pokeballs.


    I had 253k and 51 pokeballs, and now I have 19k and 999 pokeballs. I understand 999 is max stack, but then I should be getting a new stack. I had no idea that was bugged.


    I need tons of pokeballs for this damn event..... Help me please.

  5. Hello


    Is it possible to make the Poke PC a little more easier and accesable? Say you had the option to make more pages in the Poke PC and drag the pokes a little more freely. For each page I would for example be doing like;


    Page 1 - Synchronized

    Page 2 - Bossers

    Page 3 - Pvp

    Page 4 - Up for leveling

    Page 5 - Selling

    Page 6 - Random/Lenders


    I feel my Poke PC is so messed up and the more pokes I get the more I look for pokes to get rid off. And now it's just horribly stacking. The worst is I have only 11 pages used. Must be horror having 20+ pages stacked when doing different things, selling pokes, lvling pokes, lending pokes, keeping for collection or what so ever.


    The Poke PC is going to kill me with this rate, the event doesn't make it any easier x)



    I mean different windows with its own pages

    • Like 1
  6. I had another woopsie.. Didn't know Sneasel had to be leveled up, thought I could just equip the razor at night.


    Please help me delevel it




    Thanks Shinahora for help :-)


    Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future. - Shinohara
  7. Not all of us did research before we started to play the game. Gold compared to silver is dead, and I must honestly say playing the gold world is damn boring. Just beeing online on silver chatting makes the game way better to me.


    In most other games with different world/servers we can transfer our characters for a payment. Runescape has a good way as they have alot of worlds and characters are not beeing held to that one world. Free to choose wich world to play at any times. Say example you have an polish world, german world, english world where people can join the one they want and go as they like. People will make friends and the community all over the game would be so much better.


    Having open worlds will make a global price list for the game. That's positive in any way for the game economics. You're not getting bored by playing the same server everytime. More servers, more stability. 1 or 2 trade worlds.


    As for everyday, I find more and more people that are interrested in leaving gold because it is boring, the economics is basicly none existant, and it seems like 40% or more of the server is botting.




    Please don't close this thread. This is pure general game talk.

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