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  1. Can't access the options if the client doesn't load up.
  2. So i've read about 4-5 threads about this issue with the PRO client, many people experiencing huge CPU spikes, whereas they did not before the new client. I am actually unable to even open the client and get to the login screen because my cpu spikes at around 98-99 and borderline crashes my computer until and unless i close it. All of the treads i've seen regarding this issue have no replies from the admins, and no solutions and are now closed threads. And this is supposed to be described as a 'low-end' MMO? Sorry but when people are saying that METAL GEAR SOLID 5 is less demanding in cpu than your gameboy-style pokemon game, you have a problem. I hope you can fix this soon. - Is it possible to perhaps download and use an earlier version of the client in the mean time? I know my processor isn't top of the range but 100% is just silly. I'm on Win 7.
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