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Khaihoan2662004 last won the day on March 18 2022

Khaihoan2662004 had the most liked content!

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. I already mention @Manbat but no reply, if you know other trade moderaters , u could mention for help
  2. @Manbat hi sir, could u please help us trade ? I'm afraid that we can not decide time to trade because i'm gonna go offline for a long time due to my busy study
  3. You won, which sv are u in? And when we can trade guy?
  4. Nearly 1h 40 mins left , guys
  5. hmm problem , i wanna make at gold sv, but made a mistake, but its'ok , i can transfer
  6. S.o 1m, minbid 200k Auction starts after first bid 2 days duration
  7. around 30 mins left
  8. end 10:25pm gm+7, 17/8/2023
  9. Auction 2 days, start after first bid s.o 400k min bid 200k instant 5m
  10. 4m if possible
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