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  1. Decided to close the shop early 'cause I wanna leave the game. I'll make a report for all out standing trades on Gold & silver server. So please make sure your account has sufficient funds from which your bids were made from.
  2. Decided to close the shop early 'cause I wanna leave the game. I'll make a report for all out standing trades on Gold & silver server. So please make sure your account has sufficient funds from which your bids were made from.
  3. Update for today: Marill, Phanpy and Clef ends in about 10hrs or so. Shop closes in 4 days. G'night all
  4. Hey, all 3 noted. Update for today: Marill, Phanpy and Clef ends in about 10hrs or so. Shop closes in 4 days. G'night all
  5. I cant anymore. G'night.
  6. your bid was 4 hours 16 minutes late.
  7. I'll resolve these two trades. The Rotom ending doesn't make sense. Will dm you. Not always on. check dms.
  8. Updates for today: Togepi auction ends in just over 2 hours or so. Two new rules added: 8] All start offers/insta's can be negotiated in my DMs. as long as they are not blatant low balls. 9] All auctions are now 24hrs from start offer. Shop closes in 5 days
  9. Updates for today: Togepi auction ends in just over 2 hours or so. Two new rules added: 8] All start offers/insta's can be negotiated in my DMs. as long as they are not blatant low balls. 9] All auctions are now 24hrs from start offer.
  10. Hey @Hawluchaa these are the 3 pokes in question And could you please resolve these outstanding trades with these players. Having trouble negotiating times to meet with all different time zones
  11. Update for today: Deino 31 Speed ends in about 5hrs Togepi Bold ends in about 19hrs. 2 auctions are currently on going, 5 days till shop closes and gonna change the shop rules for starting auctions tomorrow. G'night.
  12. Magneton HP: Ground, Meditite, Sneasel, & Rotom auctions end in just under 3hrs or so. Bulba timid HP: Ice auction ends in about 9hrs. 8 auctions are currently active and shop closes in 6 days.
  13. Updated both bulbas. Update for today: Magneton HP: Ground, Meditite, Sneasel, & Rotom auctions end in just under 3hrs or so. Bulba timid HP: Ice auction ends in about 9hrs 8 auctions are currently active and shop closes in 6 days. G'night
  14. Hey @Hawluchaa, could you please clarify if the remaining bids for these 3 pokes were valid or not. Having trouble to verify the bids while using the forum time, since the postage of the bidding times says X-number of hours ago.
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