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Everything posted by Danbrown218

  1. its put me in the queue now thanks for the help
  2. PRO Username: danbrown21 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? I've played the game over the last few days but, every now and again it comes up saying logging on then it fades away and nothing happens What have you already tried to solve the problem? I've tried restarting the game and re downloading still no luck Description and Message
  3. Don't have much money, can you just tell me the location please?
  4. Can anyone tell me where i can find a slowpoke in kanto?
  5. I've had no luck logging in just gonna try again tomorrow will let you know if it doesn't work
  6. Mine just says connecting to server, then can not connect to server
  7. looking for a slowpoke low level any nature just getting started would like to build my team early
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