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  1. can be closed now
  2. auction over, @Soares1 has won! Contact me here or in game to process the trade
  3. the minimum raise is 200k not 100k...
  4. 1 hour left
  5. Current Offer: 1.5m by Soares1 Minimum Raise: 200k Duration: 48h after first bid No Insta
  6. Hello, I'd like to report what I think is a bug regarding a move; specifically the move Hail. In generation 9 it is not available, but that's not what I want to focus on as such. In a wild Pokemon battle the wild Pokemon used hail in turn one, and at the end of the turn it damaged my Pokemon (as seen in screenshot one) but, according to Serebii, Hail in generation 9 should summon Snow not the previous Hail mechanics (as shown in screenshot two). My question therefore is, is this intentional or an oversight? Regards, Paul (pthame)
  7. Close thread
  8. @Javiisito this is why we're struggling to get the trade done; the timestamps of your messages are 12.46am twice and 1.55am. You expect people to be awake at those times? If we can establish our timezones we can go from there perhaps
  9. hi @Doakes or @Incandescent, could I request a trade force as me and the winner are still struggling to be online at the same times?
  10. could a tmod force the trade please; me and the winner are struggling to be online at the same time
  11. @Javiisito congratulations you have won the auction for 3.6m. Please contact me on forum or Discord (pthame on Discord) to process the trade
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