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Posts posted by Combat89

  1. Hi i am new to pvping on pokemon and really want to give it a shot but need some help decided on a team.

    I'm not looking for the best team i just looking for an average team that isnt going take weeks of farming to get as im very unlucky and will never get a rare spawn or anything sadface.


    i have been looking around the fourms and browing the net looking for team ideas and team comps prob spent to much time looking around that i have no idea what team to really build.

    i found a few pokes id like to try catch and use ina team mainly because i think they are cool pokemon but no idea how to build the rest of it or if i should just forget them an not use them


    so the team i was thinking about starting to build is


    1. Politoed







    Need some adivce on rather finishing that team or just a full new team


    Any help is a appreciated

  2. Re: Intensity-Plasma guild [Yellow~Server] 4 branches recruiting!! One of the biggest guilds in yellow!


    <t>Can you get discord on your phone/tablet or pc? will you be able to stay there and chat with us?<br/>




    are u active?<br/>




    tell us about your awesomeness! include your ign please and thanks!<br/>



    Playtime: 8 hours on yellow but played over 200 on red<br/>

    Where am i from: England (EU)<br/>

    Age: 26<br/>

    oh an im kinda awesome if i do say so my self :)</t>

  3. Re: Memoire [international guild]


    <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? 20hrs (new account made the other day lost my old one had over 100 hours)<br/>

    2. Why should we accept you into the guild? very active and fun person<br/>

    3. Are you able to visit Discord? Yes<br/>

    4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/>


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